/*! THIS IS READ-ONLY -- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE */ /* Notes: Files are organised into the following sections: Settings - all SASS variables Tools - mixins, functions Generic - ground-zero styles (normalize.css, box-sizing) Base - unclassed HTML elements (h1, p, img, a, etc.) Modules - classed HTML elements: core kit styles or add-ons for specific features (formhack, bg-slideshow, etc.) My Customizations (the site "theme") Add-ons - More complex (third-party) add-ons (such as the mmenu) Trumps - helpers and overrides Media - Responsive, Print, etc. I keep three SASS files outside of the kit (the "styles" folder), as they are the most commonly accessed for customization. This just makes is more visually logical, for me, during development. If you prefer, just throw them back into the "styles" folder. */ /* Settings ======================================== */ @import "variables"; /* Tools ======================================== */ @import "styles/tools.mixins"; @import "styles/tools.functions"; /* Generic ======================================== */ @import "styles/generic.normalize"; @import "styles/generic.box-sizing"; /* Base ======================================== */ @import "styles/base"; @import "styles/base.page"; @import "styles/base.images"; @import "styles/base.links"; @import "styles/base.type"; /* Modules ======================================== */ // @import "styles/modules.accordions"; // accordion menus (removed) // @import "styles/modules.alerts"; // @import "styles/_modules.breadcrumbs"; @import "styles/modules.buttons"; // @import "styles/modules.forms"; // currently replacing my standard form styles with formhack.io @import "styles/modules.layout"; // the grid & overall site structure @import "styles/modules.nav-global"; // global nav settings @import "styles/modules.nav-utility"; // the (top) "utility" nav bar @import "styles/modules.nav-main"; // the main site nav @import "styles/modules.tables"; /* Add-ons ======================================== */ // animate.css // http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ @import "styles/addon.animate"; // expanding search module in the header @import "styles/addon.expanding-search"; // formhack.io @import "styles/addon.form-hack"; // basic, responsive slideshow // http://responsiveslides.com v1.54 by @viljamis @import "styles/addon.responsiveslides"; // full-page background image slideshow // @import "styles/addon.bg-slideshow.scss"; // styles for the headroom plugin @import "styles/addon.headroom"; // styles for the codyhouse "back to top" plugin @import "styles/addon.backtotop"; // Mobile Nav - mmenu nav - http://mmenu.frebsite.nl @import "mmenu/mmenu-demo"; @import "mmenu/jquery.mmenu.all"; // My mmenu customizations @import "styles/modules.nav-mmenu-custom"; /* Now we apply the custom design on top of this SASS kit. Remember to @extend classes, @include mixins, and use BEM styling where appropriate. */ @import "custom"; /* Vendor ======================================== */ // @import "styles/vendor.plugin"; /* Trumps ======================================== */ @import "styles/trumps"; /* Media ======================================== */ @import "responsive"; @media print { @import "styles/media.print"; }